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Mythville became friends with Tandrani Joannah Bhattacharjee.
Mythville liked Occupy Telluride.
Mythville subscribed to Sheila Whitaker's updates.
- LikesAprilLiked Occupy Telluride.
- Hey Mannie! Would anybody actually buy an e-Book called "Baseball Dot Lit"?
- You can't fix what came out of the box broken ... http://www.facebook.com/groups/60416619967/10150938542024968/?notif_t=like
- With Facebook's looming IPO deal pending, my mind blissfully goes into its final retrogrades about the fabled daze before the dot-com bust of 2000, when the skeletal demiurge, overvalued, first began to crumble, returning the meat within to worms writhing on e-ground. O those were the daze my friends. Those were the daze.
- Featuring U2 live closing a show in some place called Moncton and a somewhat static post for a great song by Gomez, probably my favorite, "Revolutionary Kind"
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Douglas McDaniel.Please subscribe to my "Faces and Places" Examiner.com page so that maybe, someday, I can afford to have someone take a decent photo of me with my wonderful new hairdo ... or, I can buy a new TV blown up by my old teacher Edward Abbey ... b...See More
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a timeline.You are all invited to poet Jaimie Ondrea Dunn's Facebook Retirement Party ... http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003124761691
- Work-in-progress, off-the-cuff, little start-up, when-muses-wake poem now up, titled, "Trespassing in America," at ... http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- Mythville MetaMedia became friends with Matloob Bukhari.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Orwell Wass-Wright.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Douglas McDaniel.States CNN.com:
"Temperatures in much of eastern United States are well above average ...
In Nebraska, a pair of suspected tornadoes leave miles of debris and rail cars overturned" ... but what it doesn't appear to say is have a nice dee-aye ... - Terrorist acts breaking out in southern France, fighting intensifies in Damascus, Syria and no one should be surprised how bad things are for American interests in Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden is still dead, a trend remaining true for more and more people on all sides of the war ...
- Romney leads polls in Illinois, but Santorum tells people the leader in delegates lacks "core" values, such as his own sexual hangups, and Gingrich goes on in a triumph of ill will ...
- Snow on the ground throughout the Verde Valley and the unfamiliar lights of snowplow lights flicker by in the morning light ...
- Mythville MetaMedia played a sound on SoundCloud.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Douglas McDaniel.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Ali Daworldsastagi.America as if rendered in a waking dream at 3 a.m. ...
- Today in Mythville: The links below are pretty random, but I became so curious about the massive social phenomena of so many people going completely ape-shit this week I began to wonder if there were natural events that correspond. Sure, the mind is a relativity machine, but I'm going with my instincts on this one ... http://facebook.com/mythville
- Michigan tornadoes damage more than 100 homes ...
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.... Experiential essay about the post-election diaspora since 2000, as told by author Douglas McDaniel ... ebook download for less than $2 ...
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.New poem out, "Don't Talk About the Weather" ... http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- New poem, "Don't Talk about the Weather," ... http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Mythville On-Demand.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Marshal Law."McDaniel's nod to the greats of the Beat Generation with a message of hope, despite the times ..."
... Available in paperback or e-book download ($3) .... - Forty Days of Fire, Forty Days of Rain by Douglas McDaniel in Literature & FictionPosted using ShareThissource: Mythville On Demandlink: Full Article...
Earlier in 2012
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.
- World melts, gets colder
Mideast heats up on thin ice
so on, so forth, but still.
no major show of force - Mythville MetaMedia went to an event.
- New poetry collection out, with more to come in various eContent formats ... http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- "After a quiet weekend with no flares of any significance, the sun went back to work on Monday morning and launched a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the expanding cloud during the early hours of Feb. 6, 2012" ... http://spaceweather.com/
- Climate change and the subsequent social disorders it creates, is the No. 1 story, and No. 1 security threat in America this week, and it doesn't look like those facts are going to change next week, even if they re-arrange the whole map of the world.
- There's no joy in Mythville
as Mars spits down from the sky
'Cause it costs more to cover first base
than to run for presidente dee-aye-why! - ... Say it ain't snow ... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Baseball-Dot-Lit/156749477721916
- Albert Pujols, who will make maybe $240 million over the next 10 years, makes a million or more than Mitt Romney per year: Therefore, I nominate Pujols for GOP candidate for president of the United States; and Mitt, get your glove, you gotta fill in (occupy?) for Albert at first ... Sorry, Angels fans.
- "This NOAA satellite image taken Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 at 12:45 a.m. EST shows widespread cloud cover over the Eastern Valleys as a strong low pressure system move through the Mid-Mississippi Valley and the western Ohio Valley. Snow showers...See More
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.After hearing Newt Gingrich try to gain applause to his cry for the "death" of his, and South Carolina GOP-focus-group-at-debate-attendees' idea of the enemies of democracy, I thought of Rwanda, masses waving machetes and guns and genocide ...See More
- ... New blog out: "May They Be Sorry They Did Not Kill Us Yesterday" ... http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- ... Stephen Colbert, aka, "Herman Cain for a Day," raises us from the stumpy slumbers of Saturday morn' with his appearance in South Carolina to answer the musical question: "Is our political system a complete joke?" ... The answer: of course it is! ... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/20/stephen-colbert-herman-cain-south-carolina-rally_n_1219136.html
- Okay, here's the deal: I woke up. I wanted to celebrate Martin Luther King Day, but I don't eat breakfast. Not ever. Not that I could find any MLK breakfast place to go. There was no light. It was 7:30 a.m. and there was still no light, due...See More
- ... Meet the Newt World Disorder ... http://www.bing.com/search?q=Mythville&go&qs=n&sk&sc=8-9&form=QBLH
- I was thinking of something scary to write, but then I looked toward the sky, took a whiff of the poison rain on a clear day, and forgot what it was ... pawpies, pawpies, pawpies ...
- Mythville MetaMedia became friends with Douglas McDaniel.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via Douglas McDaniel."Let me tell you about Art the Architect. Although he is at it, again, at 8:15 a.m. in America, making true on his promise (no, threat) to continue drilling through a cement wall underneath my apartment, shaking the entire complex, let me tell you about my day yesterday with the owner and maintenance engineer of my abode ..." ~ http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- ... Percolating Press ... U.S., Iran playing games over Strait of Hormuz, Navies at threat-down levels, usual tense ... you know, WTF! ... Why add to the troubles of the world when we have the likes of these around ... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/29/world/middleeast/noise-level-rises-over-iran-threat-to-close-strait-of-hormuz.html
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a timeline.... Heart? Okay. Hearing? What? Smoking? ... Softly ... weeping, only occasionally, with chances of redeeming exchanges with both insane and quote, "normal" folks to continue throughout the week, leading to perhaps some light improvised-lyrics karaoke going into the weekend ... as well as half mad astronomical posts about space weather, news, and, of course, sports and more ...http://www.facebook.com/douglas.mcdaniel
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.It's What We Hobblists Do: "Hobbled Musings on Love, God, and the Holidays" ... http://memoryechoesink.blogspot.com/
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.Okay Boehner ... you're off the hook ... no more pointing Occupiers to your favorite driving ranges, your putting greens or, hell, your house ...
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.Michelle Bachmann refuses to drop out ... at least until the plane (pictured above) lands ....
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57346031-503544/michele-bachmann-dismisses-call-to-drop-out/ - Mythville MetaMedia became friends with Ali Daworldsastagi.
- We make places sacred by behaving in those places in a sacred way.
- Mythville MetaMedia became friends with David Alan Dickens.
- And look at us, in a total security state! Will it change? Hell no. Well Holy Pink Floyd!: "You better stay at home and do what you are told ... get out of the road if you want to get old!" ... from the song, "Sheep"
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link via NetworkedBlogs.Is bi-polar simply another expression for a human being capable of feeling the full breadth of human emotion, often to the extent that it is more than normal society finds acceptable?
- New Rule: Don't waste more hours watching HBO self-congratulate itself with endless promos used as programming filler. To see Bill Maher's increasingly humorless talk show and uneven bashing of Republicans while Democrats, no better, get a break. Million dollar contracted media darlings don't get to act like they aren't corporate slaves like all the rest anymore. Get a ffffing schedule
- I think I need to write an emergency romance novel but quick, in order to get the six-figure deal ... by the end of the week: What is the day today?
- Okay, I'm calling it "Mythville Syndrome" if only because I don't want it to be remembered as Douglas McDaniel whatever ... How many people recall having strange health effects .. nosebleeds, headaches ... right before the Japanese earthquake?
- From a bee that builds tiny, multi-coloured nests out of flower petals. The rare solitary bee Osmia avoseta creates the cocoons out of a mixture of mud, flower petals and nectar. Each case holds a single egg. I see this as an image of resistance to destruction because of its beauty, a necessary component of resistance. Collective casings of beauty can be learned from this solitary bee's work... — with Michele Graveline and 10 others.
- A Just Punishment for Mubarak? Give Him His Own Reality TV Show ... a recipe for complete transparency as the watchers are watched, 24 hours a day, as the watchers watch the watchers ... um, watching ...
- Groups2010Joined 58 Groups
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.
- Any references to Jim Bunning should be removed from all baseball history books, as well as any references to him at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., since leaving about 20 million unemployment Americans in a complete, catastrauphic lurch has got to be worse than gambling on the final score of a few ball games ...
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link."If you are a Scorpio, chances are you struggle with the honest creative expression of your experiences and impulses. If you know many Scorpios, and especially if you've been emotionally intimate with one (or several), you've been disturbed, no doubt, by the depths of their darknesses and insights. We are the horror films of the Zodiac, and some people, they like scary movies. Others, most definitely, do not."
- New poetry in response to Arizona's civil rights crisis at:
http://mythville.blogspot.com/ - Mythville MetaMedia became friends with Roxanne R. Amico.
- It's nature's way of telling you ... you'll know shit is really going down when the sewer roaches start running for their lives ...
- is trying to create a post-punk southwestern trance-country jug band, but it's about as difficult as trying to put together an NFL franchise ... gotta have players, a stadium, a logo, a sponsor, etc. ... O, my kingdom for a guitarist who gets out of bed before sunset! Geez!
- Groups2009Joined 34 Groups
- Makhandeni tagged Mythville MetaMedia in a note.
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.
- Erin O'Riordan tagged Mythville MetaMedia in a note.Remember the old bumper sticker that read, “Children are to be seen, and heard, and believed?” The theme of Forty Days of Fire, Forty Days of Rain by Douglas McDaniel could be described as, “The world is to be seen, and heard, and believed....
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.
- The election in Iran ... is it just me or does this seem like it might be a big day in human history?
- Shirley Alexander tagged Mythville MetaMedia in a note.Tricking the Reaper
The land has many spirits.
They see us; they know us,
better than we know ourselves.
... - Mythville MetaMedia became friends with Erin O'Riordan.
- Events2008
- Mythville MetaMedia shared a link.
- is wondering what will be left on the menu once the Most Dangerous Creatures on Earth are finished with their feast
- Mythville joined the cause The I Live Here Foundation.The I Live Here Foundation
1,009 members - $510 raised
Join the Cause or Learn MoreMythville joined the cause 2009 - The Year Of The Sharks.2009 - The Year Of The Sharks
6,104 members
Join the Cause or Learn More - is justpublishing an emergency poem at http://mythville.blogspot.com/
- is posting on how rural America is getting tweaked by the presidential campaign rhetoric
- is producing a new weekly column, "The Name of Things," for The Hub at http://www.ouraynews.com/
- is offering free PDF of 'Ginsberg Rolls Over," the new book of poetry by Douglas McDaniel ... just send a note with your e-mail address
- Joined FacebookJuly 3, 2008
- Born
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